We are “Missionaries to Missionaries” – We have started this website to provide Bible studies and Sunday School Lessons that can be edited and taken right to the pulpit and taught. All of the materials are doctrinally fundamental and we quote only from the King James Bible.
Please know that we are trying to help pastors and teachers with materials that are sound in doctrine and easily understood and taught. We are anxiously awaiting the Judgment Seat of Christ when God will show us where and how your money was invested.
Please Donate Below – We leave it to your judgement as how much the Lord tells you to donate to our ministry for this work that we created, for you to use in your ministry, or even just for your learning. We are grateful and blessed for any amount you choose.
Click on each link to view it, right click and choose “save as” to save it to your computer.
Integrity – Do you still retain your integrity?
Soul Winning Plan of Salvation, The Invitation, Over The Telephone, Easter Handout, Compell Them, Four Calls, The Response , Invite to Church, Baptism, Staying Motivated, Encouraging Christians to go, The Silent Partner, The Christian Life, Tools Needed, The Wordless Book, Different Approaches,
Acts – Chapter 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Art Work – 3540, Animals, Arms, Bugs, Clouds,
The Brick, The Dog Nap, Truth vs Myth,
Women – Sarah, Ruth, Rahab, Vashti, Jezebel, Esther, Elijah’s Widow, Mary-Martha, Virtuous Woman, Tamar, Queen Of Sheba, Adulterous Woman, Dorcas, Lot’s Wife, Deborah, Dinah, Bathsheba,
Wisdom – Who are the simple?
Special Occasions – Changing, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving 3, Valentines, Valentines 2, Valentines 3,
Suffer – How to not get bitter, Some on broken pieces, Bad Breath, When Anguish Comes, Thirty And Eight Years, It’s Too Heavy for Me, When Life Doesn’t Seem Fair
Teens – My Way or The Highway, No Fear, Safe Sex – 1, 2, 3, The Other End of the Stick, Why Didn’t They Get on the Boat, The Counsel of Old Men, Being Warned, Knowing Good and Evil, Without Blemish, I am with You, Not My Will, Afraid to Ask, Got What Wanted-Lost What Had, Trouble Not the Master